Before going into too much detail, let me tell you that my dad in incredible. He was valedictorian at his high school, made incredible grades while at Texas A&M, served as president of his fraternity, married his college sweetheart, raised the three of us crazy kids, runs an great business with my grandfather, and is always volunteering or signing up for some new group. When my dad has a goal he goes after it. I can't think of a time I saw him go after something that he didn't achieve. He is always looking for groups to become a member of or some fun outing to do with the family. When he said he was running for City Council we were far from surprised.
At first we were thinking it would be a no brainer win. Until, someone decided to run against him. This is when the fun began. After putting out signs, having campaign parties and making shirts we all spent a day out at the polls! My dad got there at about 5:45, my mom 7:30, my brothers 10, and Dustin and I at 11. We were there until about 8:30 passing out flyers, talking my dad up, looking for people we knew to vote, and sending out texts and Facebook messages letting people know to stop by. After waiting, for what seemed forever after the polls closed, we found out my dad had won! I couldn't be more proud of him. While it was long day and we were exhausted, I ate up every second of my flyer-passing job. When would I ever get to do it again?
My mom, brother Josh's girlfriend Alexa, and brother Jared
My sweet parents
Nina was showing her support
Vote for Gary Roden
The whole fam at the victory party!
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