We have also been busy going to Tech games and watching the Rangers! We kept our season tickets this year, and have been having so much fun going to visit everyone. We went to the Texas State, A&M, and Kansas State game. I miss Lubbock so much! Here are a few pics of everything that has been going on...
This is what you do when Tech and OU play at the same time at the Gahagans
We got to see our precious niece Morgan. She is 6 months today and I can't believe how big and cute she is. Love her more than anything.
Ferg was pumped to be watching Tech football in his jersey.
Mendy came to Lubbock with us for the A&M game. It was her first time since 2007 to come to Lubbock.
Best part of going to Lubbock is getting to see some of my best friends who still live there. Hanging out with Lauren at Rockies!
Lubbock has a new bar called The Roof at the top of the parking garage that overlooks the stadium. As expensive as it was, I wish we had this when I was there!
We ran into Josh Abbott and Roger Creager at the The Roof. It was a tan bit windy.
Watching Johnny Cooper at Raidergate Kansas State weekend
So funny story... lately I've been curling my hair with a sock. A great way to do curl with no heat and no time. I'll do a how to sometime soon when my hair is longer. It hasn't worked as well since I cut it. Well I found this other website that talked about curling your hair with twisty buns so I tried it. Dustin made fun of me the night before I went to sleep when I had about 20 buns sticking out of my head. He even warned me that my hair was going to look awful the next morning. Well 5am with no time to shower, my hair was a fright! I look like I have a bird's nest on my head. It was wild and out of control. I couldn't tame it at all. It finally fell a bit, and I just put it half up. Maybe I'll try again when my hair is longer.